Thursday 14 April 2011

Right Now - A New Home

Hello to all our thousands of followers.
We'd like to let you know that Right Now! is in the process of moving house. We have already done most of the unpacking and heavy lifting, but you're welcome to pop in any time to this address:

Right Now,
Tumblr Street,
The Internet.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Right Now - a brilliant idea.

Sas! Here's the obvious solution to our employment woes - let's set up a dinosaur museum/study centre in your back yard. You can start running it straight away and then in August 2012 I'll join you and we can expand the franchise with a tea-room in the kitchen, a shop in the living room and a raven/squirrel sanctuary in the cellar*. I know at least one family who would come all the way from Spain to see it!
Yes? Shall we?

*We could try to breed squavens!

Monday 11 April 2011

Right Now

I love this. It is by the Royal Art Lodge, who are Canadians that I love!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Right Now...

...I am putting off Monday morning by delaying going to bed... not usually a sensible tactic but I will not learn my lesson.

Also I am listening to the bit of the Adam & Joe show that I missed yesterday (because I went out for lunch with the Poo Planner and other associated lovely humans), giggling like a fool, whilst drawing ravens. The last 2 things are not connected to eachother. I should probably do a diagram to illustrate this...

See how the bird-drawing is separate?

Finally I am smirking to myself about the time that brother Johnnie G and I decided that the most inappropriate Christmas present I could possibly give my aunt & uncle would be nude paintings of them from my imagination: "Here you are M and M, I wasn't sure what to give you so I've done a nude portrait of you from imagination!". John does a very good impression of their possible polite and interested reaction.

And that's the end of my peculiar post.

Just Then

I was chortling about how perturbed the kitten gets by the 'Hello, hello, hello' video and then I thought I should treat you to some photos of her doing a little dance. It's possibly a routine from Thriller. Can't seem to make the gif go the correct way up, but if you turn your computer on its side...

Saturday 2 April 2011

Right Now

Until I get around to donating the previously mentioned book to a charity shop I am considering covering it with something like this:

Right Now

I'm going to remove my last post because I don't like the picture and don't particularly want to be reminded of the horrible book! Thankfully it only interfered with 2 nights of sleep because it became a bit silly half way through and lost its spook value.
 If you didn't see the last post I am not going to explain, but here are some of my thoughts whilst reading the book in question: "Help - that's spooky", "Eek!", "Eh?", "Whaaaa?", "Oh yeah, Haworth is nice, I'd like to go back to Haworth soon", "Urrghh!", "The dog is going to do WHAT?", "That's very unpleasant!", "What's a Homunculus?", "Oh ,YUCK!" "This is just ridiculous!", and finally "Thank God that's finished." (Saskia can refer to my Bad Boy Bubby picture message  - my facial expression was very similar!)
Also,  I have just realised that I haven't yet got hold of the book we will be discussing at the book group on Tuesday. Hmmm. maybe I'll get to the library on Monday and be able to read some in time. Thankfully it's short stories. And, hopefully, with nary a mention of supernatural homunculi.